Postcode SY4 4QS  Grid Ref SJ586145


Do you think the Village Hall is important?, if so please come to AGM which will be held in the hall on Wednesday May 24th at 7pm.

Why not join our 100 club, you could win a prize every month by simply paying £2 per month or £24 to cover 12 monthy draws. Visit the 100 club page for more infomation and membership forms, etc.

Our well appointed hall offers modern facilities. There is modern stage lighting and sound equipment installed and a hearing loop is available in both the main hall and meeting room. The kitchen is equipped with commercial cooking appliances. Adjacent to the meeting room is a mini kitchen/bar.The building is heated by a gas fired fired central heating system and requires no input from the hall users.
We do not own the adjacent playing field which is the responsibility of Telford & Wrekin Council and PERMISSION must be obtained from the council before use. Bookings (for the field only) must be made by contacting the council.

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